woensdag, juli 25, 2007

Time for a break

I've been playing poker now for about 5,5 months non-stop (since February 13th).
During this period I maybe took 5 days off (besides the weekends offcourse) and played for over 700 hours of poker. In those 700 hours hours I played 420K hands. So it's not really strange that I'm looking forward to a poker break.

So on sunday we wil leave for two weeks to Iceland. We've rented a car there and the whole trip is planned by an iceland specialist, because I've no idea what's nice to see there, but from what I've heard it's a very special country.
One of the things we're planning on doing is whale whatching in Husavik, which claims to be the best place in Europe to whatch whales.

Pokerwise everthing is still going great although in July I noticed that I'm playing break-even on NL200 for 30K hands, which could be variance but it could also mean that I'm not playing my best game there anymore cause I'm just way overrolled for it and losing a buy-in doesn't hurt me at all.
At NL400 my winrate over the last 50K hands is a little bit more then 5.

The problem with NL400 is that during the times I play it's just not possible to find 8 tables running. Occasionally I play in the evening/night and then there are a lot more games runnig so maybe I should change my playing scheme a little after my vacation so that I can play NL400 and a little bit of NL1000 only.

July only:
Hands played : 60,822
$ Won in cashgames : $15,403
PTBB/100 : 3,40 (6,10 @ NL400 and 1.30 @ NL200)
MT ratio : 7,35
Hourly win rate: $176,55

6 opmerkingen:

Uranium222 zei

Maurice, je speelt 8 tafels. Doe je dat op 2 schermen of heb je een mega scherm?

Ik kan makkelijk 4 tafels doen, maar zodra ik 4+ ga met wat tafels in mijn 2de scherm ga ik regelmatig op sit-out omdat ik te laat ben.

Maurice zei

Ik speel op 2 schermen en op zich gaat dat prima. Alleen als ik op PS aan 8 fast tafels zit ben ik soms weleens te laat, maar over het algemeen is het goed te doen.

Panic zei

Whale watching is gaaf, heb het in Noorwegen gedaan.
Veel plezier daar!!!

klein voorproefje:


DeRustZelve zei

Veel plezier daar!
Ben ook geweest daar en te Husavik zie je vast wel een walvisje ja, ik ben met de "Knorrin" wezen varen toen.

(Weet ik nog om dat ik daarmee naar mijn vriending verwees, wat me niet in dank werd afgenomen...)

Have fun.

jake88 zei

have fun en laat ff weten hoe t was!!

NoTurns zei

Interessante Blog! Ben 'm eigenlijk een beetje bij toeval tegengekomen, zal m vanaf nu een beetje volgen.