maandag, augustus 13, 2007

Hand of the day + some pictures of Iceland

This is my first try to post a hand of day. Because it was my first day after my holiday I decided to start slowly with just 6-tables in the morning (mostly NL200) ,4 tables in the afternoon and a little bit of HU on 2 tables in the evening.
All together I played about 2,000 hands, so thats a nice start of the week for me.

But now the hand of the day, it's a hand that I could have played different on every street:

EverestPoker Game #1932159216: Table Bamako-15 - $2.00/$4.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:49:50 - 2007/08/13
Seat 1: BldZwtTrn ($661.90)
Seat 3: hcw69 ($40.00)
Seat 6: Fatty_Tuna ($751.40) ->>> 37/27/5 (mostly 3-4 handed)
Fatty_Tuna posts the small blind of $2.00
BldZwtTrn posts the big blind of $4.00
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to BldZwtTrn[Ac Kh]
hcw69 folds
Fatty_Tuna raises to $12.00
BldZwtTrn raises to $36.00
I make a standard re-raise here with AKo. I could have made it a little bit more, as we are playing 160BB deep and he's not folding a lot to 3-bets.
Fatty_Tuna calls $24.00
*** FLOP *** [8c Qc Kd]
Fatty_Tuna checks
Standard check by him, this tells me nothing, as he is probaly checking his whole range here.
BldZwtTrn checks
I decide to check behind, this is offcourse not standard at all, especially not on such a drawy board, but he was a player who would fire a lot when I showed weakness and he probably nevers expects me to check AK/AA here.
*** TURN *** [8c Qc Kd] [Kc]
Fatty_Tuna bets $72.00
He bets pot on a perfect turn card for me. His range is still huge here, as he probably thinks I'm having a King here close to never and this is a perfect card for him to bet on, as he could easily represent a king here.
BldZwtTrn calls $72.00
I obviously have 2 options here, raise or call. By raising he will fold all his bluff hands and a hand like JT and probably also (A)Q. He will certainly call with any K/flush/boat, but against those hands I can get the money in on the river as well, so a call seems better here against his range.
*** RIVER *** [8c Qc Kd Kc] [Jc]
Fatty_Tuna bets $216.00
Again he bets the pot as I make my nut flush. I have $340 behind and have 2 options again.
BldZwtTrn calls $216.00
Raising seems ok on first sight, but what worse hands will he call with or can he fold better hands? There's a 4-flush on the board and the highest club he can have is the Tc. So the only hand that is worse here and could make a heroic call is Tc9c.
But most of the time in this kind of situation, agressive villians have the nuts (KK/KQ/KJ/88/JJ) or nothing here.
So I conclude that he's only calling a raise here with a T high flush or better hands and decide to call.
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Fatty_Tuna shows [Ad 4s]
BldZwtTrn shows [Ac Kh]
*** SUMMARY ***
Board: [8c Qc Kd Kc Jc]
BldZwtTrn collects $647.00
Then some Iceland pictures to finish this first day

We went on a boat trip on this lake full of ice bergs, which was also part of the James Bond movie 'Die Another Day' with the Aston Martin racing on the ice here.

Iceland is full of waterfalls:

Then the last thing for today, my weblog is now on and it would be nice if you could vote for my blog if you like it offcourse.

6 opmerkingen:

Uranium222 zei

Here is the fish of the day ;).

Toen je weg weg alles nog terug gepakt +700 extra. Sicke dag.

Hoe gek het ook klinkt, ik ben in voor een rematch.

Anoniem zei

goed gespeeld ! ;)
mooie foto's


Anoniem zei

Mooie hand,

Een vraagje: hoeveel waarde zie jij in het niet hoeven showen van je had? Zou dat ooit een argument te zijn om te raisen, ook al weet je dat je eigenlijk alleen maar door betere handen gecalled gaat worden.

Maurice zei

Goede vraag, maar het niet hoeven showen speelt in een hand als deze wat mij betreft geen rol.
Enkel wanneer ik de keuze heb tussen bet en check kan het meespelen, vooral als ik een hand speel op een manier die mijn tegenstander veel info geeft dan kan het niet hoeven showen de doorslag geven om te betten.

Anoniem zei

Deze villain ziet er nog semi-decent uit qua stats. Maar stel dat het een 50/10 vis is, ga je dan de river pushen?
(ik zou nl wel pushen dan)

en keep up the hand of the day posts!
Ga je blog dagelijks checken vanaf nu

,Apollo vn pnews

Anoniem zei

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