maandag, augustus 13, 2007

Back home

After 2 weeks of vacation I'm back home. Iceland is a very nice country but it's really empty and quiet, even in Reykjavik on a saturday. Besides Reykjavik the rest of the country is just rough nature and some small villages with 2,000 inhabitants at most. Seen some nice things and probably post some pictures later on, but it's also nice to be back in a city where something happens.

Another funny fact about 2007 there has been one (Yes you read it correct) murder and it was big news as you can expect.

Then some poker again. I'm considering to post a hand of the day for every day I play. It's always difficult to find some interesting hands to post, but I think that most people like it more then just some results (or am I wrong?). So I'll try to post the most interesting hand of the day and this could be a hand that I played terrible or just very good, but it could also be just a very funny one.

Hope to post some pictures and a first hand of the day later on.

6 opmerkingen:

TwisterX zei

Ah, finally back so i can read some more updates, yay! \o/

Good to hear you had a nice holiday and i hope the silence wasnt all too bad, i'm sure multitabling will bring your mind back upto speed in no time ;)

Hand of the day idea sounds nice yeah!

Last piece of advice: currently your blog's set in a way that anonimous respons isn't possible... if you change it to "every1 can post" (or something like that), i think you'd get a lot more feedback and stuff!

Also, al een idee voor je artikeltje bedacht? ;)

TheLoon zei

Nice to read your blog Mikelitt. I look forward to seeing the pictures of iceland. I would like to thank you for all you have for me! I learned a lot. Check out my blog at,


Maurice zei

@ twister

Thanks voor de tip en je hebt PM op PN.

Jullius zei

Good to hear you enjoyed yourselfs in Iceland. Looking forward to your pokerupdates on this blog.

grtz 'jullius'

Anoniem zei

Hand of de dag is idd zeer leerrijk. Ik zou graag eens wat plays zien, en onderbouwd waarom je ze maakt in een specifieke situatie.

Good Luck deze maand

Anoniem zei

Hé Mike, volg je blog al een tijdje alleen nooit een reactie geplaatst.

Waar ga je het meeste spelen de aankomende tijd, kan'k 's wat railen :)

Een hand v/d dag klinkt tof, al moet ik zeggen dat de resultaten etc. zo op z'n tijd ook interessant zijn.
