maandag, mei 14, 2007

Still running hot and playing good.

So far may is going very well. I'm on track to beat by best month ever.
I'm also playing at Stars again the next two weeks. They have a very sweet promotion running till May 22th. You can earn double VPP and FPP points, there's a $150 deposit bonus and a small chance on playing a milestone hand.
As still have a lot of VPP points I'm trying to get Supernova again. So far I'm almost back to Platinum this month, just by playing 4 days.

After my last break even swing I tried to change some things into my game and so far it seems to really work well. I think it's very importanted to always study your game and try to fix leaks. I can't go into details about it, because know a lot of opponents are reading this blog, but I think it's working fine so far.

May only:
Hands played : 32,992
$ Won in cashgames : $11,601
PTBB/100 : 8,90 (10,37 @ NL200)
MT ratio : 5,04 (lots of HU on 2 tables)
Hourly win rate: $173,28 (with a 35% lower MT ratio!)

1 opmerking:

Unknown zei

Hey maurice,
Volg je blog al vanaf het begin, erg leuk. had een vraagje:
heb je ook rakeback? zou namelijk heel veel opleveren.
keep up the good work!