donderdag, april 08, 2010

New top10 and running hot

As promised before I will post a new top10 of EVP midstakes (400/600) regulars.
This time I only looked at players I played more then 2500 hands with since march 1st (~ 50 players).
So again, some good players might be missing, but that's just cause they haven't played much vs me. I just like to give some idea of which players are improving or which are not.

10. PperPazzo

This player has the highest VPIP of all regulars (he plays 32/26). I do think he has some leaks (especially preflop), but I also think he adjusts good to the pre-flop style he is playing.

9. lolpancake

See previous time, not much changed, hate the fact that he's always curing and complaining.

8. toaster

He plays a lot of NL200 as well, but I think he's a really decent player. Never understand why he plays NL200 most of the time.

7. -MJP-

Very solid player, has a very solid pre-flop game and never see him do any weird stuff.

6. Jflamm

See last month, not much changed, just can't win against him

5. hotze

Still thinks he's a decent player, but I probably overestimated him a little.

4. burn1emAc

He really improved his game the last months, he's a lot more aggro pre-flop and still very solid postflop.


See last month.

2. Chappolini

Haven't played a lot with him (3.5k hands), but he always seems very solid and tricky.

1. groengras

If you see this little Taksi drinking men in real life you won't expect he's this good. But he's just a very good and tricky player. His hand reading is very good and he knows how to put players in though spots.


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