woensdag, oktober 11, 2006


As mentioned in one of my earlier posts I have problems with Pokertracker at the moment. When it starts importing hands it gives an error message within 5 minutes. I contacted them and they told me that probably my access database is full.

As a solution I can start a new database or convert my database to some sort of SQL format in which the size of the database has no maximum (in access there is a maximum). I've never hear of this problem from anyone yet so I'm really suprised that it happened to me. I probably have around 250,000 hands in my database which is that much I thought....If anyone knows how to solve this problem the best, I would be very happy.

So the last days I played some 4-tabling sessions, but without pokertracker it is so much more difficult for me. I know realize that my play was based a lot on pokertracker stats. By not having the stats abailable I feel that I made some laydowns/big calls that I would not have made with the stats available.
Offcourse I try to get reads and make notes, but those stats are so much more valuable to me.

So for those who don't use it yet.....BUY IT!!

Hands played in october ~10,000
Won in cash games ~$1250
Amount lost in tourney ~$50
BR beginning of september: $15,040
Current BR : ~$16,240

1 opmerking:

Loc0Loc0 zei

Heej Mike gaat lekker zie ik...

ik ben weer even overnieuw begonnen. Ik zie dat jij voornamelijk een cashgamer bent. Ik win voornamelijk met tournooien om daarna met wat vrienden alles weer te verliezen aan een cashtafel.

Ik heb een nieuwe strategie bepaald voor mijn winsten. Want het beetje winst wat ik heb gemaakt over de laatste maanden is niet noemenswaardig!

Keep on the good work !